NDIS @ Move Forward Physio

There are around 4.3 million Australians who have a disability, many who access NDIS Physio. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) will provide more than $22 billion in funding a year to an estimated 500,000 Australians who have permanent and significant disability. For many people, it will be the first time they receive the disability support they need. Physiotherapy plays an important and significant role in providing supports and the Move Forward team is proud to be associated with the NDIS.

We collaborate with:


The most important element of the NDIS is its participants.

Plan managers

Participants can choose to have a registered plan management provider to manage their funding and budget for the supports in their plan.

Support coordinators

Support coordinators help participants to implement supports in their plan, including informal, government services, community activities and funded supports.

Local Area Coordinators (LACs)

Local Area Coordination (LAC) partners are organisations with local knowledge of disability services and their community.

They work with the NDIA to deliver LAC services for people aged seven years and over.

Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI)

Partners delivering ECEI provide early childhood intervention support to children under seven years of age who have a developmental delay or disability.

Participant Management Options:

There are three options for Participant Management:

All clinics:

  • Self-managed
  • Plan-managed

Quinns Clinic only:

  • NDIA managed

Plan-managed Participants (All Clinics)

Plan-managed budget

Where the participant has a plan manager, service bookings will be created in this order:

  1. A standard service booking for the plan manager to claim the financial intermediaries supports they have delivered to the participant;
  2. Plan-managed service bookings for each of the participant’s funded supports.

Where a plan manager has already been appointed for a participant, the plan manager arranges payment to service providers on behalf of the participant.

Self-managed Participants (All Clinics)

Self-managed participants

Participants who are self-managing their plan are invoiced by, and pay, providers directly.

Participants need a receipt from the provider to acquit the expenditure against their plan using the myplace participant portal.

NDIA managed Participants (Quinns Clinic Only)

NDIA Managed Participants

We are accredited to provide services to NDIA managed participants at our Quinns clinic.

Service Agreements- Required for all NDIA Managed Participants

Service agreements help make sure the participant and provider have the same expectations of what supports will be delivered and how they will be delivered.

Making a service agreement is a negotiation between the participant and the provider. Participants might involve a nominated person (such as a participant’s family member or friend).

Service agreements need to include:

  • What supports and services the provider agrees to provide.
  • The cost of those supports and services.
  • How, when and where you would like your supports and services to be provided.
  • How long you need the supports and services to be provided.
  • When and how your service agreement will be reviewed.
  • How any problems or issues that may arise will be handled.
  • Your responsibilities under the service agreement – such as letting your provider know if you can’t make an appointment.
  • The provider’s cancellation policy.
  • Your provider’s responsibilities – such as working with you to deliver your supports and services in the right way.
  • How you or your provider may change or end the service agreement.
